Sunday, November 29, 2020

Getting Stuff Together

Bridget asked where I got the cat Nativity.  Actually, it was the Bradford Exchange  You know, the ads that you pay a smidgen of attention to until something really grabs your attention?  One of those.  It came to me one piece at a time, which was oddly satisfying.

On the subject of Nativities, I found the pieces of one in the pets' stockings, where it was stowed as I cleaned up after last Christmas.  Did any of you ever play Pick-Up Sticks?  That's what this reminded me of when the pieces tumbled out: Pick-Up Creche:

All my various congestions have begun breaking up, and I feel better.  Lots and lots of throat-clearing going on, though.  And, right on cue, the weather turns cold and rainy, so sinus headaches are setting in.  It really is always something, isn't it?

Not a whole lot of knitting going on, as I've got a couple of holiday embroidery gifts to get done.  I may have my actual shopping done, though that may change if one or more of my children add to their Christmas lists.  One of them has a history of last-minute add-ons. I shan't reveal which one.

Are there enough hyphenates in the post? 

1 comment:

kathy b said...

My kiddos used to do that WHEN Santa came to them. I would turn green when one would say, Oh I changed my mind. I told Santa I wanted Barbie not The Game of Life. One of us would hit the TOYS R US and in a way were relieved when they knew. Then they knew there s no changing lists!!!!!

So This Has Been My Day

 On my way to therapy, I fell down the front steps.  I'm not hurt, but I did spill my Dr Pepper, which upset me as much as anything.  It...