Friday, November 6, 2020


Two pick-up trucks with big Trump / Pence flags attached to the back of the beds drove around and around and around the neighborhood, then up and down and up and down the main street beside my house today.  Not sure why --- just passing on what happened.

The network I'm watching election coverage on has a few anchors that I just can't with.  It also has guest commenters that I enjoy listening to, so the "Mute" button has been a good friend to me this week.

The couple of orders I've placed with Amazon during Quarantine have been delivered promptly, and by very friendly drivers.  This morning, the canned cat food I ordered (can't get it anywhere in town) was left on the front porch, and Tap heard the delivery man.  And Tap started barking.  And Tap kept barking.  And Tap kept barking even after the man and his van left.  And Tap moved into the front hall and barked in the space that goes all the way upstairs and echoes well.  It was too early for all that, so:

BFF Shari and dear, dear Bridget both live in Pennsylvania --- the former in Allentown, the latter and Philadelphia, so I'm thinking about them a lot each time those cities are mentioned in election coverage.


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