Sunday, November 8, 2020


Am I the only one who woke up this morning and didn't feel the need to check my phone first thing for any election developments?  Am I the only one who is breathing a little easier?  I realize there are potentially perilous days yet ahead, but today's been a day for a bit of mental rest.

Someone certainly flipped the "Let's Start Showing Christmas Commercials" switch this weekend.  I've been trying to come up with holiday plans for us this year, but haven't been able to land on anything yet.  What are you all thinking?   I've done a little bit of Christmas shopping already, even some wrapping!  There'll be no knitted gifts this year unless someone makes a specific request.  Are you doing gift crafting?


Kim in Oregon said...

Twinnie, the color of the beads is about the last inch of the paper strip, so yes I kind of know!

kathy b said...

Well, if I can get the shawl pin thing down pat, Allison will get one from me

Bridget said...

I have already knitted whatever is a gift. Everyone else is on their own.

Kim in Oregon said...

Me again Twinnie. So Mana is a very dark brown--her 'spine' (which looks black) is dark brown. Her 'baby fleece' (you know, when you buy that Baby Alpaca yarn that is way more expensive) got sunbleached and so by the time we shear it will be half dark brown and half light brown, and then will stay dark brown. The light brown fleece still had some amniotic fluid in it so that helped with the bleaching. probably more than you need to know about your niece. And Bomber said Hai back. I thought of you when I took that picture.

kmkat said...

We are having COVID holidays this year -- no gatherings. It is a small sacrifice to make.

Posted Later Than Written

 No rain, no headache.  In fact, Tap and I just enjoyed an ice cream sandwich on the front porch.  It's a nice, sunny day. For TNT: If y...