Sunday, November 22, 2020

Cold and Catching

 I've been trying to keep a head cold at bay for a couple of days now, mostly successfully.  You know that fuzzy kind of feeling you get?  That;  wanting to stay settled in on the couch underneath comfy covers.  Hard to breathe, sneezy, blowing my nose to the point of drawing blood, ears stopped up--- you know the drill.

Tap still needs to be walked, of course, and on one of our outings yesterday, look what we came across:

How that feather came to rest perfectly shaft-down, I don't know.  But it sure was easy to spot and collect.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

How lovely Kim and certainly I would take it as a wonderful Sign. Get better. I am nursing a outer ear infection , likely from my hearing aide decreasing air flow and changing my normal flora. Ouch


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