Friday, November 20, 2020

A Tree

Tap and I went for a walk in a park the other day, and I saw this.  It turns out I love isolated standing old trees the same way I love isolated standing old fireplaces/chimneys.

We've decided not to get together next week for Thanksgiving.  Hannah and I were both unsettled about it.  We both felt something "wasn't right."  We may do a video call instead.  Briton seems a bit upset about the cancellation, but we would all rather wait and have Christmas together rather than Thanksgiving, which has never really been a grand occasion for us.  When Dale was alive, he and I might cook more than usual for a meal (he made a mean pecan pie), but that was about it. 

In Bring Your Own Book prompts:

Overheard at the zoo:

"Get me out of here!"*

*From Deep Down Dark

1 comment:

kathy b said...

I feel Less bad for us because no one is really having family for the Thanksgiving holiday and we usually have no one. Not that I wish it on anyone, but it makes me feel less lonesome knowing most are not "gathering" for a big Thanksgiving. I will watch the dog show!

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