Friday, October 9, 2020

Yum Me

Last night, I decided that today was going to be a "Just Eat" day.  Since my weight loss, I've tried to be consistent and healthy in my food choices, but last night I wanted pizza. 

Now, I prefer Pizza Hut pizza, despite the large number of "other" pizza places in town (it is a college town, after all.)  I went to the Pizza Hut site, and discovered that the store nearest me (as in just a skosh over a mile away) is no longer in business.  This is what comes from not having been out for all these months --- you don't know what's out there.  Or isn't.

But that was not going to keep me from Just Eat Day.  To Domino's I surfed.  Their Tracker took me all the way though the process: oven to door, which was kinda cool.  The young man who delivered was named Connor, and could not have been any friendlier or nicer.

All this to say 1) You go, Connor, and 2) I am eating the pizza as I want it, not trying to keep up with calories or what-percentage-of-what-color-food-groups and washing it down with not-keeping-up-with-them-either cans of Dr Pepper.


Kim in Oregon said...

Yay for Just Eat Day!

kathy b said...

I think a free day every now and then is so important. Carol burnett dieted all week and ate as she wished on weekends.

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