Sunday, September 6, 2020

There They Are. . .

. . .  KH and KC. . .

For 2020

Lin-Manuel Miranda is your Knitters' Hunk


Kamala Harris is your Knitters' Chick.

As far as the other winners go,  Kim nominated Kamala and will receive the KC First Prize.  Both Amanda and Kathy nominated Dolly, and will split the Runner-Up Prize.
(The final vote, btw, was 8 - 7.)
KC-wise, since Lin was an automatic entrant, the KH First Prize will go to Melanie, who nominated Yo-Yo.  Jeff Bridges was also an automatic in, so those who nominated Bill Nighy (the other semifinalist) will, again, split the Runner-Up Prize.  That would be Terry (get a blog, girl!) and Twinnie Kim one more time!
(Final vote here 14 - 8.)

Thanks to you all, and congratulations to ALL the winners!


Kim in Oregon said...

Congrats to us! Twinster, I'm fine with Terry getting the whole prize!

teabird said...

Even I had trouble between Yo-Yo Ma and Lin=Manuel Miranda!

kathy b said...

Oh Thank you Kim!! !DOlly is a wonderful person I think. I love Kamala as our winner!!!!! IT was a lot of fun Kim on a weird week for me. Love you

Kim is Frustrated

My regular lawn guy usually starts service in April.  For a reason he explained to me quite poorly, he wasn't going to start until "...