Friday, September 25, 2020

If to the Fourth

If you haven't seen the video of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's trainer visiting her coffin in the Capitol Rotunda, look it up.  It will make you tear up, I promise.

If you haven't tried CBD products (for any number of reasons), let me tell you they have helped me with my headaches.  Hannah uses them to ease her anxieties and had been recommending them to me.  I tried some tincture, and about a week in, realized there had been no headaches.  When the tincture ran out, the headaches returned.  Fairly obvious connection.

If your eyesight is as bad as mine, and you have to take your glasses off to be able to read the writing on packages in the freezer, remember that you put your glasses on top of the refrigerator. It will save you many minutes of wandering around the house looking for them.

If you were guaranteed a totally safe dining out experience right now, what would you want?  I'd choose either all the catfish I can eat or a really very good cheeseburger.

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Kim is Frustrated

My regular lawn guy usually starts service in April.  For a reason he explained to me quite poorly, he wasn't going to start until "...