Sunday, September 27, 2020

Going to My Writing Prompt Book

What are 10 sounds you associate with winter?

The singular quiet of a snowed-in / iced-in day.

A spoon stirring made-from-scratch hot chocolate in a saucepan.

Snow falling.

Football on TV.

The jingle of a Christmas bell on the front door.

Windshield wipers moving across a frosted windshield.

A car idling to get the heat going.

The voice of Boris Karloff.

A wood fire.

Wrapping paper. 


kathy b said...

Oh I love your prompt and answers Here are mine:
THe sound of Chirstmas music ....
The sound of fireworks around here for New years eve
The sound of the plow guy doing the long drive while we are still asleep
The sound of the whirlpool swirling warmth around us as it snows on us
The sound of my kids voices when they are home for Chirstmas
The sound of 'pitchers and catchers report" in February

Kim in Oregon said...

Here are mine:
1. The settling of the world on Christmas eve (I know you love this one too twinster)
2. Fire cracking
3. The creeek of the opening of a cookie tin that hasn't been open for a while.
4. Soup or chili bubbling
5. Ice skates on ice
6. Champagne cork on Christmas eve

Kim is Frustrated

My regular lawn guy usually starts service in April.  For a reason he explained to me quite poorly, he wasn't going to start until "...