Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Sun Will Come Out

My life over the last week has been mostly about Hannah and Klunk, so there isn't much else to say.  I don't have any photos.  Hannah and I picked Klunk's ashes up yesterday, and she came apart again.  She is absolutely gutted, and there isn't anything for me to do except let her sit with her sadness.  I do very much appreciate all your kind words, though.  Most of you know the misery of losing a pet, and some of you know the agony of watching a child in pain.  They're both brutal.  Thank goodness for understanding friends, good books, and knitting.


Kim in Oregon said...

I"m so sorry. Time will help.

kathy b said...

Picking up the ashes is really difficult. I couldn't wait to get Huck back with ME in some regard, but when Fireman walked in with Huck's ashes, I just fell apart. Poor Hannah and poor you! IM so sorry

Meredith said...

Such a tough time, but as you say there is no way around it just through it even if it hurts so much. Take care.

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