Sunday, July 19, 2020

'Round Here

Shari sent me this adorable little hedgehog.  How cute is it?!

I've been having air conditioning trouble, so choosing how to spend time has included factoring in the amount of movement anything would require.  Crosswords and making a sock fit that bill. 

Also, I'm reading two very different but most engrossing books.
A novel
a thoroughly entertaining piece of non-fiction.

I hope you're all staying safe, masked, cool, and entertained.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

Blaux makes a tiny air conditioner and I'm considering it. I dont like to close the whole house up midday so fireman can have a good cold room to sleep in by ten pm. It is really Tiny though.
As for socks, Yeah!!! I hope Hannah is doing ok. Talking to you about how she's doing. It is so tough


Still raining.  Still headache-y.  You know the drill. I'm finding myself kind of bored with my current craft projects.  This leads, as ...