Tuesday, June 16, 2020


I took one book out of my Want to Read pile (finished the Spencer Tracy biography), started it, then found one to take its place.  The book I took out, and have started, is

It's a collection of thoughts, both prose and poetry, about crying.  It's very interesting so far.

I don't cry easily.  I get choked up at the drop of a hat, but that doesn't always lead to tears.  My mother didn't cry, because she was a World Class Stoic.  Daddy was the get-choked-up-and-cover-it-with-lots-of-sniffling kind.  As in almost every single thing, I'm more like him than her, though if I start to cry, I'll allow myself to.  There's nothing wrong with a good cry.


kathy b said...

Hey , I was crying last night! I was going over letters my father and I share the last two years when we reconciled before his death in December. Father's Day is wearing on me. Even though, I have so much to be thankful for in terms of our reunion. Much is owed to Zach, who, by just being there as he does, brings people together. Crying is cathartic. Im an ugly crier!!!!!

Bridget said...

Oh man, I'm a crying machine. Good or bad things.

So This Has Been My Day

 On my way to therapy, I fell down the front steps.  I'm not hurt, but I did spill my Dr Pepper, which upset me as much as anything.  It...