Tuesday, June 9, 2020

It Is Spring, After All

And there are babies.  Two nests in a shrub beside the house:

I didn't realize that there were two until taking this photo.  Some have hatched;  you can hear their little peeps.

Then, there was this guy on the front glass door:

If you've known me for any length of time, you know I love lightning bugs.  This little guy is still on the door, and still as cute as can be.

Babies are God's way of reassuring us that the world will go on.  Reassurances we need right now.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

You put it so well Kim!!! babies! Kim's Tink had her cria.. !!
Our friends are adopting a baby !
Our birdhouses have residents running in and out!
I love fireflies but haven't seen a one yet!


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