Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Wall

Sitting here last night, all of a sudden, I ran into the Impatience/Bad Mood Wall.  I was fed up with everything.  EV - UH - REE - THING.  Not sure why, but I reached my Toleration Limit.  I was angry, I was judge-y, nothing was right, and all I could do was go to bed early.

That ever happen to you?


kathy b said...

Oh yes. I had one of those days recently. I felt like all of this COVID stuff is unending. Now that they are reopening places, I am feeling like I don't want that yet either! The barn just sent a questionnaire. Im so sadly realizing that My ideas of how to stay safe and theirs are not in sync. How I love that place. We just can't go back yet. I worry so for those kids and families. They are not even requiring masks. I just read a big article about how huge percentages of people living in group homes in Illinois are Covid positive.
They have to be bathed with help, the don't wash their hands well, and they live in close quarters. So sad to read they are wondering why their families' aren't visiting them. They don't understand it.
Im going to have to find a way to help the barn and not physically be there I guess.

kmkat said...

I haven't had a day like that, but I certainly have had moments.

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