It rained here last night. After it stopped, I went out to roll the trash and the recycling bins to the street. Coming back in, I had what I suppose was a burst of jauntiness coming up the porch steps and slipped and fell. Banged up both shins, both knees, and the heel of my left hand. Apparently, I bounced, as there are bruises just under my ribcage on the left, and a very big bruise marking very big pain just below my left collarbone.
It has hurt to move around today, even to take a fairly deep breath. So, lots of reading and crossword puzzles on the schedule. And ice packs. Several ice packs.
(Oh, and the snake was back this morning. Whee.)
Ooof. We need to get you one of those samurai suits.
NOOOOOO ! I hope they are just bruises. Damn snake. Sorry KIM!!!!
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