Sunday, May 24, 2020

Black Snake. Moan.

I am not a squealy, flailing type.  However, I do not like to be startled.  Toward that end, the anoles and little frogs that appear around this house at this time of year are not welcome.  (I seem to be almost entirely alone in this opinion.)  If I can't tell when or where something is going to move, I'm not comfortable.

I am currently reading this
900+ page biography.  I take it with me when I take Tap out, so he can walk and I can make some progress.  This keeps me from getting impatient with him, and my focus is mostly on my book while we're outside.  Yesterday, he's walking, I'm reading, and he stopped because a squirrel caught his attention.  (Cliche', I know, but the truth.)  I looked up from the book and noticed about six inches away from my left foot was a black snake.  My heart went into my throat or my stomach or wherever hearts go at times like that, and I made Tap beat a quick path away from there.

I've lived in this house for over 30 years, and have seen exactly four snakes: two in the front yard, two in the back.  I'm good with that for however much longer I'm here.


Kim in Oregon said...

Oh I hate hate hate snakes. I once made Tim come home from work and remove a tiny little garter snake that wriggled into the house. When we were back in Eugene a few weeks ago, I was weeding and found one in the garden and screamed so loud my neighbor FOUR HOUSES DOWN came over to see if I was ok.

kathy b said...

Oh dear. Thank goodness Tap got away from them! Snakes. I don't mind them IF I see them from a distance!!! We only have little garter innocent snakes here in WIs.

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