Saturday, May 2, 2020

As Of Today

I have worked every jigsaw puzzle in the house.

I have my absentee ballot.

My nails are a polishable length again.

I overruled my previous decision to use this yarn for socks, and am making a Baktus.


Kim in Oregon said...

Can you start over with the puzzles? I hate jigsaws so I'm applauding you.

kathy b said...

Kim, I haven't been sock knitting in at least a year . Lost my sock mojo . But, It was all I did knit for a long long time. I say Batkus/ the joy of straight needles is perfect for me right now. We are ready for this isolation bit to end, but, I will make us stay in extra long .

Tiny Needle Wednesday

My  Stitchery  catalog arrived yesterday, and this piece made me chuckle: While I don't call myself a Mary Engelbreit fan as such, there...