Saturday, May 30, 2020

A Long Night

I'm guessing there's a time in every house that is "too late" for the phone to ring.  If it does ring, you get that "uh-oh" feeling, wondering if there's very bad news on the other end of the line.  Last night, my phone rang "too late," and the ring tone was Hannah's.  My first thought was that Klunk had had a setback, and when I realized she was crying, was almost certain that was it.

She was scared.  What was happening in Atlanta was terrifying her.  She didn't know what to do. Since she doesn't drive, she had no way to get away if she felt she needed to.  Although all of the worst things were happening quite a way from her, who knew how quickly things would change and move.

We talked for as long as it took for her to calm down a bit, to get a plan for if she did --- or didn't --- have to go to work today.  I told her to call back if she didn't start feeling better.  I told her I'd come see her today if she wanted me to.  She was better when we hung up.

I haven't heard from her since, though Briton has been in touch with her.  I don't know what is going to happen in Atlanta tonight, but I pray she'll get through it.  Just like I pray the entire country will survive.


Kim in Oregon said...

This is awful. We've had protests in Eugene---EUGENE!!!---that turned violent on Friday night. Then overall looting and robbery last night because the police were busy with other things. ANother protest this afternoon. Safe here on the coast but overwhelmed with horror and sadness.

kmkat said...

Younger Son lives in s.w. Minneapolis, a safe distance away. He messaged us Thursday morning "there’s a lot going on in this city. I wanted to let you know I’m ok." Today Smokey went to work on some stuff at that house and will bring YS's dog home with him.

kathy b said...

Oh I am so glad you could calm her down . I am thrilled she turned to you. The protests really made my sister frightened as she lives near St. Paul. Her husband went for an early bike ride in their suburb and she was all worried he'd be out past curfew . (he wasn't) But he is hispanic and she was worried for him if he lost track of time. I listened and we talked about what she was seeing out her own window. She turned away from the TV then and was able to be a bit present telling me about someone walking their dog, someone riding their bike, and her neighbor watering. It was the least I could to listen to her. She's talked me down more than once.

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...