Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What It Is

Another desk day here.  Writing postcards, balancing my checkbook, doing other "paperwork."  I'm sure this has been said here before, but I love writing, working, just sitting at a desk.  Always have.

I got going on the second bootie sock today.
The heel is more a little pocket, which is spiffy.  I'd tell you the brand of the yarn, but the identifying band is long gone.

Purple tea on tap today:
That's Blue Raspberry from Bird and Blend, a wonderful online shop with delicious teas.

Also on the drink front, did you know there is orange milk?
Yes, it does taste like a Creamsicle.  It's delicious and it comes in a glass bottle, so I am all in.


Kim in Oregon said...

Oooooooh creamsicle!

kathy b said...

Desk Day! That so describes me. .I love to make lists, go through my email, post, read your posts, etc etc etc .

kmkat said...

I have always like working with paper. As a child, it was art projects. As an adult, it was working in an office. As a retired person, it is keeping the books for four entities (used to be five, but I *retired* from one).

Snow in the South

The sound of snow is one of my very favorites.  On the spectrum's other end is the sound of snow melting.  You know, the water running d...