Thursday, April 2, 2020

Things Keep Rolling Along, Don't They?

Briton had his car towed to the dealership late this afternoon.  The odd thing was the tow truck driver was on his way to pick up another Prius.  Maybe there was a Prius /Pandemic pact we didn't know about?

(That was a nice, though short, string of "P" words.)

Hannah read on Twitter that a cat in Belgium caught COVID-19 from its owner, and she PANICKED.  Klunk with his immunity most likely compromised, her working every day and not knowing who she's coming in contact with. . .  It took a good while to talk her down and tell her all she needed to do was call the vet and ask if that were possible.  She finally did and was told that, as long as she's not sick, Klunk will be fine.  She was relieved, but I could almost hear the gears turning in her head.  She's nervous enough about having to continue working right now --- with the possibility of Klunk maybe getting sick, there'll be another panicked phone call in my future.

Cat-wise, I had to grab this photo chance while it was there.  These two get along just fine, but having both of them in a photograph-worthy state could not be missed.
Madeleine on the right, Riley on the left.  Hug your animals.


kathy b said...

Oh poor Hannah. As I understand this, coronavirus hits kittens in shelters often. it is a mild Respiratory illness that, if the kitten is otherwise healthy, is self limiting. It is months later, when a very few kittens develop FIP from their latent coronavirus from kitten hood. This is how Bear died . But it was never suggested to me by my sister the Vet and My vets that I could or any of us could catch it from Bear. (our cats could have if they were exposed to him, but they never were) I swear if someone said BOO! too fast, we'd all jump ten feet right now!

kmkat said...

You probably do not want to tell her about the research on coronavirus in cats that I put on my blog then.

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