Wednesday, April 1, 2020


I'm making these fingerless mitts.  The pattern calls for double-pointeds (which we all know my history with), but I'm making them flat and then seaming up.  The yarn is Malabrigo in Damask Rose.

Though I know corona isn't transmissible between species, it was still funny today that when I sneezed one time, Tap looked at me and moved as far down the couch as he could possibly squeeze himself.

In "It Doesn't Matter As Much Now As It Usually Would" news, Briton's car won't start.  It's a hybrid, and he doesn't think a regular jump would help.  He doesn't have to be anywhere, obviously, but he will have to get it fixed somehow, sometime.  Which may involve me in some way.  Which is bothering more than I had thought it would.  Better the two of us share a car, though, than him ride with a tow truck driver or in the dealership shuttle.


Kim in Oregon said...

Tim had that. It wasn't the battery, but rather the battery that starts the battery.

Kim in Oregon said...

I think his car is a 2012 Prius...and this happened last year.

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...