Tuesday, April 14, 2020


I showed you this yarn a while ago;  this is where I am with it now.

I was looking forward to getting to this part of the skein, and here I am:

From my windows, it looks like more and more people are moving up and down the main street my street intersects with.  It is infuriating.  A couple of days ago, this article about Athens appeared in Politico.  The photos in that story belie the amount of activity I'm seeing.  And I know I'm doing the right thing by staying home.  And my son is doing the right thing by staying home.  My daughter is doing all she can to stay sane while having to go to work and carrying a letter to show to anyone who asks explaining that she is "essential."  I cannot control what other people do (or don't do);  I can only control what I do.  I'm still allowed to be angry about those morons, though, right?


kayT said...

There are a LOT of people doing essential things that require going out and about: doctors, nurses, people delivering meals on wheels, delivery people bringing food, etc. etc. So no, I don't think the people driving by you are "morons". Sorry.

KSD said...
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kathy b said...

Of course you are Kim. They are endangering all of us . Too bad we are not a herd and could kick the lousy ones out. Sigh. I used to give people all kinds of lee way about things. IF they cut me off in traffic, well maybe they had a funeral to get to, or if they shouted at another person, maybe they were deep in grief that day. But for this COVID no one gets a pass. Unless they are disabled. Period. Paragraph.

Not Surprises

The nasty weather didn't materialize here, though I read that some people in Athens had their power knocked out.  Other counties had muc...