Sunday, March 1, 2020

Whatever Happened to Dusting Powder?

When I was growing up, dusting power was a thing.  It was a Fancy World thing --- something you gave at Sunday School Christmas gift swap, or to the woman who took care of you in the summers.  The plastic canisters of powder were all kinds of pretty colors, with soft and fluffy puffs to match.  It just all seemed very grown-up.

Several years ago, I thought about dusting powders again, took to the Internet to find some, and got basically zilch.  But then I started thinking about another thing from my childhood: my mother's White Shoulders perfume.  It was the only perfume she ever had, so that was my Grown-Up-Woman-Smell.  (I am easily and powerfully triggered by scents.  Anybody else?)

Went to Amazon not too long ago to look for White Shoulders, and found not only the perfume
but, yes!  Dusting powder!
I got them both, screwing up my budget, but I'm happy and all smooth.

Back to the woman who kept me during the summers.  We (there were 3 or 4 of us every year) called her "Miss Mildred," and she was always either out working in her giant garden or sitting on the couch drinking coffee, smoking and watching soap operas.  I was the favorite, which meant that I was allowed to be inside when no one else could come in.  I got involved in "General Hospital" and "The Doctors" (with a young Tommy Lee Jones.)  I became good friends with Miss Mildred's teenage daughter Teresa, and she and I would play records and talk about Paul Revere and The Raiders or Tommy James and the Shondells or the Everly Brothers. We had to take a nap every day after lunch, and I think I was the only one who ever actually went to sleep.  I've never turned down an opportunity to get in a good nap.


kmkat said...

Scents are a powerful memory stimulator. My mom's going-out scent was Tabu. Haven't smelled that one in years.

Bridget said...

Scents definitely trigger memories for me!

Miss Mildred sounds pretty cool. I was generally left to my own devices during summers. Fortunately, I was a good kid so it was no big deal. But I'm sure that now I would have been taken away by Social Services ...

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