Monday, March 9, 2020

Remember That?

Some time ago, I boasted about having bought a book of 400 writing prompts to use on the days I couldn't come up with a blog topic.  As my silence for the past several days shows, I did not follow through on that plan.  In my defense, I had moved it off the coffee table, so it was out of sight and out of. . .  You know.

I finally got to "Little Women" last night.  It's so very good.  Saoirse Ronan is a goddess in extremis at Chez Dean.  I read the book when I was young and just got a Little Women-adjacent book (thank you, Teabird for letting me know about it) to dive into.  Also, in case you haven't seen the movie, there are handknit shawls --- so now I want to knit shawls.  As if I haven't just finished one and am still working on another.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

Oh i love how the movie motivated you to make shawls!! WHEEEE! I watched a documentary on Iceland, and it just made those Icelandic wool sweaters seem impossible to me!!!! I love me a good shawl though! Hooray!

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...