Monday, March 2, 2020

Lies, Lies

I have had my phone lie to me several times in the last several days.  Using the Cookie Finder app, I scouted around for sites to buy Girl Scout cookies (yes, Tagalongs) and three times I drove to a place at the time the app said cookies would be available, and. . .  nothing.  No tables.  No girls with their badge-embellished sashes.

Then, all weekend, my plan was to go see "Little Women" today.  I checked and double-and triple-checked showtimes, and got up and ready for the 12:45 screening.  Only I got to the theater and found out there was no 12:45 showing, and that the theater didn't even open until 3:15.

So I just went downtown and voted early.  Something productive came of the day.


Bridget said...

I'm glad you voted, but what is the point of technology if it is all LIES???

kathy b said...

Hooray you voted. How ANNOYING the cookies quest and movie times being goose chases!

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...