Thursday, March 19, 2020


Just wondering if Twinnie Dear wants to trade the truck in for an Alpha Romeo Giulia.

Just wondering why there are so many cars on the road.  GO HOME.  STAY HOME.  I did curbside pick-up at the grocery last night, and on my way, noticed lots of cars in the Kohl's parking lot.  What is there at Kohl's that you need right now?  WHAT?!  

Just wondering what projects my fellow crafters may have finished so far.
Me, a shawl that had been in the works for a while.
And a pair of fluffy slouchy socks.  (At Christmas, I saw lots of this kind of socks called "Reading Socks.")

Just wondering if those of us who craft and those of us who read will weather self-quarantine better than those who don't.

Just wondering if anyone else is enjoying seeing the homes of television reporters and contributors who are broadcasting away from studios.

Just wondering if clothes can be washed by putting them, water and detergent in the bathtub and walking around in the tub to agitate them.  (Like Lucy and Ethel and the grapes.)


kathy b said...

You have a great attitude. I love those slouchy socks lady! and your shawl. I know my knitting is helping me . Also reruns of that 70s show. And talking to my kiddos . And remembering the book I just read about unlikely rescues in the boundary waters canoe area. Im not on my last candy bar! I found some mushrooms in the woods. Not that i'd eat them...but...........

Kim in Oregon said...

Love the shawl! I'm kind of loving the truck, even though I know it is not good for the planet. And it is red.

Bridget said...

Knitting and reading make all the difference for me. My sister in CA who is an uber-extrovert (like my late parents) and who is not a reader or a crafter, is going insane. Not a long walk for her, but nonetheless ...

kmkat said...

I quite enjoy seeing the insides of tv personalities homes. And I try to read the titles of the books in the background Every.Time.


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...