Sunday, January 26, 2020

So, Too

My son has a very good sense of what movies I will like.  He's been telling me for several weeks to check out "The Last Black Man in San Francisco."  I did yesterday, and it is beautiful.  In every way.  It's streaming on Amazon if you think you might be interested.  The music, especially, is exquisite.

The book I'm reading right now is absolutely charming.
The stories are lovely, and the photographs are fascinating.  Small tidbits like The Queen does her own make-up for everything but her annual Christmas address delight me.

Here's the progress on the Wingspan.
The color changes aren't as crisp as in my other one, but the effect is still nice.

Here's the progress on the Eden Subline.

And, the Drea's.

It's nice to have things I can sort of mindlessly work on.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

I love all your works in Progress.!! I'll check out the movie. Sometimes our grown kids have great recommendations for us!


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