Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Loose Ends

I forgot to show you what Hannah got me for Christmas.  A Nativity card
that's 3-D.
It's difficult to photograph, but trust me, it's quite beautiful.  And I didn't have one like it.

I had an appointment with my psychiatrist today.  My visits are really just for medication checks, though we do have conversations about other things.  Tomorrow, I go back to the dentist to let her look at this crown.  It is irritating my tongue, and I'm hoping she can smooth it out or re-fit it or something.  I've come to do all my chewing on the right side because 1) I certainly don't want to pop the thing loose, and 2) it's just uncomfortable.  

1 comment:

kathy b said...

I LOVE her gift to you!! Kim our mirroring health issues are frightening! Wow. I just had a sharp edge smoothed because it was literally cutting at my tongue. My tongue was a mess. I also had a molar pulled in December. I was eating off one side of my mouth too. Ugh. I thought maybe it was not helping that my mouth is dry often. Also , what Am I doing wrong? When I go to Cindy's blog, deb's and yours I get an old post and have to click to get a current post. My wordpress account allows for the most current post to come up. Is this a blogger thing? Help Please

This is Me

It's me because of that one word beneath the temperatures.  The snow is falling so beautifully,  and is supposed to keep falling into th...