Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Let's Review the Rules

Starting this Saturday, February 1st, I'll accept nominations for our Knitters' Hunk Classic and Knitters' Chick Classic contests.  Your nominees (everyone can submit up to three in each draw) must have passed away, but can come from as far back in history as you would like.  (Be warned, though, that going too far back really cuts down on the availability of photos that can be used in the match-ups.

Your nominees are to be people you'd like to knit with, for or next to.  No one needs to nominate these folks, as they'll be automatically entered in their respective contests:
Katharine Hepburn
Grace Kelly
Audrey Hepburn (no relation, in case you didn't know)
Diana, Princess of Wales

Alan Rickman
Cary Grant
Paul Newman
Robin Williams

I'll do my best to have the first voting opportunities up on Monday, but please be patient if they don't show up until Tuesday.

Prize packages for the winners' and the runners-up's nominators.  Please spread the word on whatever social media you use.

Looking forward to it. . .


Kim in Oregon said...


kathy b said...

Wheeeeee. Im thinking on this one. !


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...