Sunday, November 10, 2019

Out and About

Well, I have now been to an IKEA.
(Don't worry --- this was taken at a stoplight.  I wasn't actively driving.)

  Thankfully, Hannah looked up exactly where what she wanted was, so we were in and out fairly quickly.  We only visited the warehouse part, not the showroom.  We actually spent more time looking at Christmas decorations and toys than picking up her stuff.  I fell particularly in love with these:

From there on to Target, where I saw something I've never seen in my 30+ years of living in Georgia:

Crossing my fingers that someone will have a chance to use these this Winter.


Kim in Oregon said...

So no meatballs?

kathy b said...

Hahaha. I have only been to Ikea once. I know I m missing out according to like, everyone! and we have no barn classes today due to 6 inches of fluffy snow. I hedged my bets and didn't get up early to leave. Phew. I guessed right.

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.