Thursday, September 5, 2019

And the Winners Are. . .

Helen Mirren as the 2019 Knitters' Chick


Henrik Lundqvist as the 2019 Knitters' Hunk.

There were hiccups along the way, but you were all patient and helpful, and I appreciate that.  More than I can say, really.  Thank you.

I'm posting the brackets so that you can see how I'm dividing up the prizes.  On the KC side, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Helen Mirren were both automatic entries into the draw, so the winners will be the nominators of Olivia Colman and Judi Dench.  Deb nominated Dame Judi --- and Deb, I need your address so I can get your prizes to you!  Olivia was nominated by --- wait for it --- my son, Briton.  Way to go, kiddo!  (I suspect yarn and stitch markers won't do much for him, so maybe I'll take him for a nice meal or something.  Remember, Knitters' Chick was his idea originally.)

On the KH side, Henrik was an automatic entrant.  Lin-Manuel Miranda, the runner-up, was nominated by two people: Jorene (my cousin) and Kim (my twinnie), so they will both be getting packages in the mail.  Sam Neill was my nominee, so no prizes there.  Kyle Chandler, though, was placed into the contest by Diane, and she will also be receiving some goodies.

More to say tomorrow.  Again, thank you all for your enthusiasm and patience.  This wouldn't be anywhere without you.  And congratulations to all the winners: nominators and nominated.


kathy b said...

Oh my gosh Kim . Great finals!! I left for the Apostle Islands and forgot all about the rest of the contest!!!! So Sorry. Home now. National park area there gorgeous

Kim in Oregon said...

I don't even know who Henrik Lundqvist is but congrats to him!!

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.