Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Fallen Fig Kitchen

All these years with the fig tree, I've tried recipe after recipe so as not to let all the figs go fallow.  Most consistently, I've tried making jam, but without real success.  Until today.
Two little baby jars, but it's actual jam.  There are still loads of figs left, so I can make more if I'd like.

(I also made some spaghetti sauce with scallops, but I've successfully made spaghetti sauce before, so there was no need for a photo.)

Working on my second Baktus scarf of the week, both using Lion Brand's Scarfie.  One is gold into white shading, the other black into turquoise.  It's a super-easy pattern, and I like the different ways the scarf can be worn.

Otherwise, I've been reading a lot.  I got five books from the library Monday, and am through two of them.  There just isn't anything like a good book, is there?


Kim in Oregon said...

Do you have a food dehydrator? Because I love dried figs.

kathy b said...

Oh Fig jam. Great idea. So happy you have some great books to read! Your knit colors sound perfect

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.