Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Action Verbs

Writing every officeholder I can think of, demanding that they do their job(s).  We aren't going to have a democracy, or constituents for a democracy, if someone doesn't step up.

Eating Zotter chocolate.  Yes, I've been on a diet, and it's been quite successful.  But these are SO good.  Some days you just have to cheat, you know?

Knitting with Darn Good Yarn sparkly lace yarn.  Making another Baktus;  I'm totally in the groove.

Itching because I just got a haircut and all the little stray hairs are down in my shirt.

Repotting a few of my little succulents.

Reading The World As It Is, a memoir of one of Barack Obama's speechwriters.  I've gotten through all the books checked out of the library last week.

Throwing Tap's squeaky toy to him.  Over and over and over.


Kim in Oregon said...

I called them all over the weekend.

kathy b said...

oh all those little hairs make me itch too.
Throwing the ball over and over , .....doggies love it

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.