Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Break and a First De-Brief

No voting today, but we have Semifinalists!  They are
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Olivia Colman
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Kyle Chandler

and breaking the tie:
Elizabeth Warren.

There are a few notes from the first couple of weeks:
1) I liked the juxtaposition of Patrick Dempsey (PD) and Dev Patel (DP.)
2) I also liked "Wilde" and "Lawless."
3) Two nominees have famous moms, and I thought about posting pictures of them with their mothers.  However, I was afraid that votes might be more for the mothers than the daughters.
Andie Macdowell and Margaret Qualley

Rashida Jones and Peggy Lipton

You know I like to find photos of nominees together.  This year gave us "Trubama":

And those photos I referred to as being so great?  Again with PM Trudeau:
when he was pitted against Dr. Pol:

The reason these photos weren't used is because they are vertically oriented.  The new site for making the surveys cuts up-and-down pictures in half.  That severely limited the pool of photos to choose from, and made for many hours of headaches here at HQ.

We almost had a "Killing Eve" face-off, as Jodie Comer and Sandra Oh were in the same half of the draw.  Dame Mirren put an end to that.

And how about Dames Dench and Smith going head to head?  Good thing they're friends, is all I'm saying.

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Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.