Monday, August 27, 2018

First Winners. Well, Winner.

The day before yesterday,
it was very hard not to go with these photos for the Oscar Isaac/Alexander Skarsgard match-up.  Very hard.   These are for Twinnie, btw.

Winning yesterday was Alexander.  Henry and Jeremy?  A tie.  We'll revisit them another time. Your choices for today are:


Kim in Oregon said...

Skarsgard and lambie FTW!

Mission Statement said...

What does it say about me that only recognize 4 of the names and don't know enough about even those to have voted. Oh, I know what it says -- I am Out.Of.Touch.


Riley has gone blind.  She's 20 this year, as I've reported here before, so nothing health-wise should come as a huge surprise. It...