Monday, August 27, 2018

First Winners. Well, Winner.

The day before yesterday,
it was very hard not to go with these photos for the Oscar Isaac/Alexander Skarsgard match-up.  Very hard.   These are for Twinnie, btw.

Winning yesterday was Alexander.  Henry and Jeremy?  A tie.  We'll revisit them another time. Your choices for today are:


Kim in Oregon said...

Skarsgard and lambie FTW!

Mission Statement said...

What does it say about me that only recognize 4 of the names and don't know enough about even those to have voted. Oh, I know what it says -- I am Out.Of.Touch.

The State of My Stitching

 In the back is The Great Slog.  Can you tell how much more I've gotten done?  It's been all white, so probably not.  In the front, ...