Terry has claimed Hugh. Kathy has claimed a Pittsburgh Pirate. Please, though, don't feel like your Knitters' Hunk or Knitters' Chick nominee has to be yours and yours alone. In fact, the way I do seeding (after the automatic entrants are slotted in) is based on how many nominations someone has. So, go with your heart. Or whatever body part you rely on to help you make these kinds of decisions.

My son --- who is the person responsible for there even being a Knitters' Chick contest --- was just here, discussing the difficult time he's having coming up with his nominees. I feel his discomfort. I will re-post this before the nomination process starts (3 weeks from today), but those of you trying to get started should know that these folks do not need to be nominated. They are going into their respective draws automatically:
Michelle Obama
Judi Dench
Helen Mirren
Tina Fey
Henrik Lundqvist
Ewan McGregor
Sam Elliott
Mike Rowe

Thank you, reigning KH Henrik Lundqvist, for The Wink.
My son --- who is the person responsible for there even being a Knitters' Chick contest --- was just here, discussing the difficult time he's having coming up with his nominees. I feel his discomfort. I will re-post this before the nomination process starts (3 weeks from today), but those of you trying to get started should know that these folks do not need to be nominated. They are going into their respective draws automatically:
Michelle Obama
Judi Dench
Helen Mirren
Tina Fey
Henrik Lundqvist
Ewan McGregor
Sam Elliott
Mike Rowe
I think i'll go with my LONG HAIR theme again this year. WHEEEEE. Its not too IN right now , but when I see a gorgeous pony tail on a man.....ugh.....I get weak. OFf to look up one now
Ack. It's that time of year again. So many choices, so little time to decide!
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