Tuesday, August 14, 2018


9 days until you can submit Knitters' Hunk and Knitters' Chick nominations!

I am late to a lot of parties.  I scarcely ever go to movies, so by the time I watch a film via streaming, or borrow a DVD from Netflix, everyone's fever has come and gone.  Since I read non-fiction almost exclusively, novels that everyone else has long since read and fawned over don't often appear on my radar.  Hence,

If memory serves, Kathy's daughter talked about this book in one of her reading posts over the last few months.  Briton read it long ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it, and it is his copy that I've borrowed and am just sailing through. What an engaging read.  Most of you have probably already read it;  did you like it this much?


Bridget said...

I liked it much better than I expected to like it. I thought it was a tiny bit hard to get into, but once I hit a certain spot, it was all go from there!

WHO should I nominate???? This will take thought.

kmkat said...

Another late-to-the-party girl here. I just finished Eleanor myself. What an intriguing book! Having worked through some mental health issues myself, I found her move from isolation to normalcy a bit quick, but it's fiction, right? Still a good book.

Weird Day

It's been an odd, kind of Dutch angle kind of day. I was planning on going to the library knitting group, so I wasn't going to showe...