Wednesday, August 15, 2018


8 days until you can nominate Knitters' Hunks and Knitters' Chicks!

(This always comes to my mind when I hear "8"!)

I finished Eleanor Oliphant this morning.  Just after writing my post yesterday, the book took a sharp, serious turn, plot-wise.  I was still engaged, but the tenor changed dramatically.  Still, it's a book I recommend.  And now I'm on to choosing my next read.

I made a trip to Dollar Tree today, to pick up a few odds and ends.
The index cards were an aim, as I use them during the contests.  The crosswords book is to satisfy a puzzle itch.  The pattern book was a complete surprise, laying on top of a messy scrum of all sorts of things.  It was as if it were saying, "I've been waiting for you!"

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