Sunday, July 29, 2018

Back and Forth

For several days in a row, I've had crushing headaches.  There are so many headaches that people have probably long since stopped paying very close attention to me when I talk about them.  Honestly, it would probably be more newsworthy if I didn't have one.  The last several days, though, have been brutal.  I may have to try acupuncture again. . .

The Beld Cardigan that I announced a few days ago as my new project is now off the needles.  Quite possibly a result of the headaches, the pattern made no sense to me once I began the yoke.  Seriously --- several times over a couple of days, I sat here with the needles in my lap, staring at the pattern, and couldn't make any sense of it.  Frogged.  Given my inability to return to something that has given me problems, I don't think there will be a pretty green Beld in my closet.  Maybe another color?

I turned to Drea's Shawl as my next cast-on, with Ancient Arts Yarn Himalayan (in honor of my glorious first cat Barrymore)
and Paintbox Candyshop.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

Oh I am so so sorry about your headaches. I CARE!!! Chronic anything is so difficult. Kim Hugs hugs hugs. I wish I could take ahead ache for you. I WOULD. When i was vomiting every damn hour while pregnant all 3 times, for 3 months my mom WISHED she could take a day for me. She puked with all 6 of her pregnancies and knew the pain. THe sweater plan is perfect tho!

So This Has Been My Day

 On my way to therapy, I fell down the front steps.  I'm not hurt, but I did spill my Dr Pepper, which upset me as much as anything.  It...