Monday, February 29, 2016

Kathy's Meme, and No Spoilers, Please!

I am still working through Clue 2 from the Vikings MKAL.  The 3rd and 4th have been released, but, since I'm not there yet, I haven't looked at them.  Clue 4 signals the end;  I'm hoping not to find out what I'm making just yet.  My best guess is a shield/round shawl-type thing.  I'm on a section of stripes right now.  The straight needles have just about run out of room, so everythng will be moved onto circulars soon.

If tomorrow is a primary day in your state, please, PLEASE vote.  We are the engine of Democracy,  you know --- the voters.  We make it run.

Now, to Kathy's inspired questions:
1.Favorite refrigerator magnet:
A complete Nativity scene.  I collect Nativities, and that is the most unique one I've ever seen.

2. Favorite two color combination:
Black and gold.

3. Are you ready for March weather?
Only if it is Winter-like.  We haven't had enough coldness here.  I don't like Spring, and don't even get me started on Summer!

4. Have you ever made something with leftover yarn that you liked as much as the intended project?
Absolutely!  Barbie clothes from sock yarn leftovers, for one.

5.Does your pet watch TV?
No.  Finn used to perk up if there was barking or howling in a program, but he'd run to the front door to bark about it.

6. What's the largest needle size you own?
I have a 50.  The largest I've ever actually used is a 35.  It was like knitting with a table leg.

7. Would you rather have the cake or the frosting?
As a general rule, the frosting.  But it all depends on the type of cake. . .

8. The last time you got into something for free?
The last play Briton was in;  I used his comp ticket.

9. Have you knitted more hats or socks in your knit life?
Hats.  By a mile.

10. Do you know a Leap Year 2.29 birthday person?
I do!  My Best Friend Shari.  She turned "14" today!


camille said...

I'm still doing Clue 2 also- they kill me with the nonchalant instructions: repeat rows x, y, z umpteen times...

kathy b said...

You can be very funny. Knitting with a table leg.....yuck! that does not appeal to me at all! Thanks for playing Kim!

Judy S. said...

I've seen a size 50 and they are scary!

kmkat said...

Our son's pit bull ("Percy" -- what a great name for a pit!) is fascinated by dogs (and other animals) on TV. He even recognizes the music at the beginning of one of the dog food commercials and runs to the TV to watch.

kathy b said...

and I would LOVE to see that Nativity magnet


So, I found this bouncy little kit, and opened it to start with the outlining.  I have to tell you, I like it like that.  I'm not going ...