Thursday, February 11, 2016

Day to Day

Today was the day for meeting with my tax lawyer.  It used to be a pain, when the trust Dale left for us was new, and how to collect and use all the information the return needed.  Over the years, things have gotten easier and smoother.  My appointment was at 2;  I was back in my car at 2:13.

It's been cold here the last couple of days, and all of us are trying to find ways to stay warm.  Riley monopolizes one of the air vents in the den, clearly sure that the one other vent in the room is enough for the other five of us.


Bridget said...

Riley sounds like all the other cats I've ever known. Yesterday Jetsam was on my lap, purring away, and The Tim said that he was thinking, "Oh mom, I love you, I shall suck away all of your body heat so that I am warm." Funny ... probably also true!

kathy b said...

Awww kitties know and deserve warmth. I don't know how the cats will do if we move to a home without radiators!

Kat said...

They spend more time on top of you...and sometimes wiggle their way under the covers to be extra close!


So, I found this bouncy little kit, and opened it to start with the outlining.  I have to tell you, I like it like that.  I'm not going ...