Thursday, August 20, 2015


We won't be moving into Round Three juuuuussst quite yet.  It seems that we now have two ties to break!

First, though, the most recent winners:
Zoe Kravitz
Isabella Rossellini
Timothy Olyphant
Scarlett Johansson
Ewan McGregor
Viggo Mortensen
Congratulations to all of them, and to all of their nominators.


Set your minds to work on this thorny problem. . .

And, for the second time, try to find a solution here:

Virtual coin-flip, anyone?

1 comment:

camille said...

check it out- they are 50-50 again! omg!!!

This is Me

It's me because of that one word beneath the temperatures.  The snow is falling so beautifully,  and is supposed to keep falling into th...