Friday, August 14, 2015

About Done With Round One

POLLS ARE CLOSED (Though there's something wonky going on with Polldaddy, and it may not look like they are.  But they are.)

There are just a few more pairings to go through, before we wind up all of the first round.  Round Two will begin on Monday.

There are several people in both KH and KC who haven't shown up yet.  For most of the men, it was because they were seeded, and exempt from the first round.  For the women, it was, literally, the luck of the draw.  The seeds went in first, then I just filled the bracket blanks in the order I drew names.  A long way to go to tell you that you're about to see and vote on everyone else.

But, first, our latest winners:
Chris Pine
Sela Ward
Jon Hamm
Jon Stewart
Betty White
We also have our first tie --- between Zoe Kravitz and Gina Rodriguez.  You will have a chance to break that tie soon.

For now, send some other folks into the second round!

1 comment:

This is Me

It's me because of that one word beneath the temperatures.  The snow is falling so beautifully,  and is supposed to keep falling into th...