Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Eve Eve

My donations-to-charities-instead-of-sending-Christmas-cards came to an end yesterday, with a donation to Heifer International.  Thank all of you who have helped me through this year, and know that you are now helping others.

I still haven't come across those boxes of cards.

My son came by last night to pick up some wrapping paper, and, after he left, I realized that was the only roll of paper I had.  (Cue Hugh's facepalm again.)  So this morning, I slipped into CVS and bought more.  My mother taught me the advantage of drug stores at Christmas.  No one goes to them much, and they have tons of other-types-of-stores stuff.  If there's one near you and not at the end of a heavy traffic route, you are good to go.  And now, I am in the house until we go to the live Nativity tomorrow night.

Speaking of tomorrow, I'll be throwing a little extra into the Boot Shoot.  I got some nice compliments on yesterday's;  that pair really is stunning in person, and absolutely nothing like any other pair I own.

An older pair today, framing our lovely Madeleine:
No skirt or gifts under the tree yet, as all the pets like to investigate the property.  Wrapping paper gets torn, the skirt gets mussed, hairballs are expelled. . .  It'll all be pretty tomorrow night.


kmkat said...

Last year I used the last of the wrapping paper I inherited from my mother. Who died in 1984. That shows how much wrapping paper she had.

kathy b said...

Same here.. Santa doesnt put the presents out under the tree until breakfast on the 25th! Love your CVS thoughts..you had a wise mom

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.