Thursday, August 22, 2013

Eighth Day

Feeling strong?*

Yesterday's winners:
Alan Rickman
Maggie Smith
Sam Neill
Michelle Williams 
Liam Neeson

If I'm doing this right, both the Hunks and the Chicks should be down to the Sweet Sixteen by Sunday.  So, maybe another week, give or take, until we know our champions!  And until the winning nominators are crowned!!


Unknown said...

I have to admit I am not familiar with some of the folks in today's poll.

Kim in Oregon said...

I feel sorry for Harrison Ford.

KSD said...

Kim in Oregon, so do I. And I'm surprised at how the voting in that race is going.

kathy b said...

Wahoooooo I think I have a popular one!! finally!

KSD said...

Don't feel bad --- every year, there are always folks I've never heard of.


My long dental nightmare is over. Finally.  There's still healing to take place, but I can eat and brush and even floss right now.  You...