Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Even the Thesaurus Can't Help Me Now

I've run out of words to describe how bad I feel.  My fever broke last night, so my head isn't swimming nearly as much.  But my cough is worse.  In fact, I've pulled a muscle around my lower rib cage from coughing.

Throat still sore.  Nose still clogged.  Joints still achy.  I'm the kind of sick that is so miserable you just want to cry.  And talk to your Mama.


Anonymous said...

Sending virtual hugs your way!

kathy b said...

Awww, summer colds are the WORST. Sleep it off if you can

Tuesday Stuff

  This is a Christmas tree. This is also a Christmas tree. This is another Subversive Cross-Stitch sampler. This is my blind draw scarf. Thi...