Saturday, July 20, 2013


Of "Kim Spence Dean":
encamped skein
panicked semen*
naked specimen
caped skein men+
 kind men escape
capes need mink

Of "Kim Dean":
kinda me
am inked^

*The thought, the visual of sperm flailing all around, screaming. . .  Cracks me up.

+Knitting superheroes?

^I am.  Tattoo, you know.


kathy b said...

wow you are very creative this morning!!! Love them all.
Cant think of any right now.

Lorette said...

Panicked semen. Snort. Thanks for the laugh this morning!


So, I found this bouncy little kit, and opened it to start with the outlining.  I have to tell you, I like it like that.  I'm not going ...