Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Apres Stitches South

If you've ever been to a Stitches event, you know how much fun it is, and also, how much walking you have to do.  Therefore, come prepared:
That would be yours truly on the left, Mooflower on the left.  In the Market on Day One.  The last time we saw each other was also in Atlanta, about four years ago.  She is truly awesome, and it was great to see her again.  And to meet her friend, Jane.

Day One shopping filled one of my Chico bags.  I'd written down amounts of yarn I needed for specific projects, and stuck to buying those.  For the most part.

How cute is that little guy?  Shame I can't crochet --- Briton's girlfriend loves otters.

Treated myself to room service the first night, having taken a long nap that afternoon and missed dinnertime.
Fruit and cheese basket.  Followed the next morning by
my standard hotel/room service Eggs Benedict breakfast.  With tiny bottles of Tabasco again.

Bought fewer things on Day Two, as I had walked the whole market twice Friday, and had very specific vendors to visit Saturday.  And didn't take a nap, which meant I could go to dinner with Moo and Jane:
Boots are made for shopping and eating.

Got home on Sunday in time to watch Adam Scott win the Masters:
One of my favorite golfers, and definitely the cutest.

Today, I'm working on a cowl with yarn I bought Friday:

Oh, and fighting Con Crud.  It was inevitable.

But sort of worth it.


kathy b said...

THe cowl looks amazing. Do tell, what is the yarn???

Glad you went and had some indulgences!! well deserved l

Lifesastitch said...

I love those tiny bottles. For some reason someone at my husband's office brought in a case of teensy Frank's hot sauce bottles. Who knows, maybe he stole them from a room service cart. They made great stocking stuffers.

Laurie (Moo!) said...

I love your boots but I think my feet were happier in my Converse (with my orthotics). At least I cleaned them up before I left home. :)

It was fun hanging out with you and teaching you the power of Continental Knitting, even if you did better with purling than knitting. We sure made our "driver" a happy guy with the tips. LOL!

Next year it's going to be at the Georgia International Convention Center and I hope we can all make it!

Oh My Goodness

 My daughter just sent me to the  American Dream Nut Butter  site. (She has always been able to discover THE coolest things.)  On a lark, I ...