Friday, August 31, 2012


Winners yesterday (and all by significant margins): Gillian Anderson (sorry, Son), Colin Firth, Rachel McAdams and Stephen Colbert.  We're filling out the Round of 16 for the women, and the Round of 32 for the men.

No voting over the weekend, but we will start afresh Monday.  Today:

Pair Fifty

Pair Fifty-One

Pair Fifty-Two

Pair Fifty-Three


Lorette said...

That is just cruel, pitting Sam against Benedict. Now we're getting to some tough choices.

kmkat said...

Curse you forever for making me choose between Sean Bean and Nathan Fillon ;-)

Anonymous said...

I really don't get the Johnny Depp love. I know I'm in the minority on that, but he just does not do it for me.


Riley has gone blind.  She's 20 this year, as I've reported here before, so nothing health-wise should come as a huge surprise. It...