Friday, June 22, 2012

What's Done Is Done

All the for sale items have been left for the estate folks to deal with.  All the not for sale items have either been clearly marked or placed in rooms/closets where no one will be allowed to go.

Easiest room to do --- Daddy's.  All the furniture is staying, his closet has been mostly cleaned out for a while.

Hardest room to do --- Mama's.   Too many items, too many difficult decisions, too many memories.

Funnest room --- Briton's.  It's where all the toys have always been kept.  I had the best time going through every single thing and remembering how attached he and Hannah were to a lot of them.

Weirdest lack of feeling --- Closing the door as I left, knowing I was looking at all those things for the last time, and not being weepy about it.  Things I've had around me all my life, and I was able to leave without doubting myself.  Quite shocked that that happened.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Sometimes, the thought of something is worse than the actual experience. In the end, you have the memories, everything else was THINGS.

(Says the person who is inordinately attached to way too many THINGS ...)

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